Through this integration, Contentsquare shows you exactly what a user was doing before and during an error occurrence, so that you can remediate issues quickly and with the complete picture. Dramatically reduce the time-to-repair of system errors by linking to your impacted users' exact session. Further, with a single click, quantify the revenue loss that each issue is causing across your digital experience.
Combine technical data from AppDynamics with the behavioral data surfaced from Contentsquare to uncover and prioritize the issues that have the greatest impact on your customer experience and revenue. Quantify how many visitors were impacted and the impact the issue is having on revenue. Separate outliers from the common issues that should be addressed quickly.
Provide your engineering team with the ability to visualize the root cause of customer-impacting issues, without having to spend countless cycles trying to recreate the issue.
Investigate the struggle you see visitors experiencing in session replays by connecting the dots to AppDynamics, digging deeper into the error causing the issue, and passing AppDynamics information and the session replay to your technical teams to resolve.